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Summer 2024

Spend your summer vacation at De Speelkriebel playground in Ghent

Tokensales continue this year on July 7 from 14h to 18h. This in not an obligation, you can purchase tokens every morning at the registration table without obligations.

Each token is worth €6 and is equal to the admission for 1 child for 1 day. People who are entitled to chances rate still pay ⅕ of this (Only for people with an UITPas from East-Flanders).

Activities - De Speelkriebel Summer 2024

Playground De Speelkriebel provides extra activities to make your child's holiday even more fun. The prices requested for participation in the activity will be settled on top of the entry price. When we go swimming we have a maximum limit of 25 children - so registration is required.

More information about the excursions will follow each week in which the excursion takes place.

July 11, 2024

Dolphins go swimming


  • €1
  • Swimwear
  • Towel
  • Bus pass or €3,40
July 14, 2023



  • Bus pass
  • €10
  • pocket money
July 16, 2024

Our okapis go to the Jumpsky trampoline park.


  • €5
  • Bus pass or €3,40
  • Non-slip socks or €2
August 1st, 2024

Pandas go swimming


  • €1
  • Swimwear
  • Towel
  • Bus pass or €3,40
August 8, 2024

Pandas & Dolfins to 'De wereld van Kina'


  • bus pass or €3,40
August 16, 2024

Okapis go swimming


  • €1
  • Swimwear
  • Towel
  • Bus pass or €3,40
August 20, 2024


We take the children of the squirrels, dolphins and the pandas to an indoor playground nearby.


  • €4

Events De Speelkriebel Summer 2024

August 22, 2024

Puppet Theater Pedrolino presents 'Pierke'

We welcome puppet theater Pedolino on our site. They bring us the one and only 'Pierke'. This performance is for the children of the squirrels, dolphins and pandas.

August 23, 2024


Our summer is over, to end this great summer, the children and the animators are putting on a show for the parents.

Become an animator

Register your child

Achterdries 52
9050 Gentbrugge



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